Home Remedies For Oily Scalp And Dry Hair
1. Home Remedies For Oily Hair
- Some oily hair remedies are at first try and reduce your stress by meditation and deep breathing.
- Attempt consuming a diet that contains acidic fruits and raw vegetables.
- Drink plenty of water which will keep your hair healthy.
- Try and rinse your oily hair frequently with a mixture of lemon and distilled water.
- Vinegar, puree of carrots sometimes makes a good rinse to your oily hair.
- Baby powders are also a remedy for oily hair, Just sprinkle and leave it for 5 minutes and then comb it.
- Another important oily hair remedy is saturate two tablespoon of dried Horsetail herb with hot water and sprinkle it to your hair and rinse well. Generally home remedies can facilitate as they are not ruthless.
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2. Shampooing Your Oily Hair Regularly
- As an oily hair remedy initially start shampooing your oily hair every second or third day without much scrubbing.
- Scrubbing can activate your sebaceous glands.
- You can also apply a mixture of shampoo, Aloe-Vera gel and a tablespoon of lemon juice and rinse your hair using it rather than using only shampoo which is filled of detergents.
- After 2-3 weeks you will only have to wash your hair twice a week. Use hair creams which are free of Sodium Lauryl Sulphates.
- Another important oily hair remedy to keep in mind is never applying conditioners to oily hair.
3. Regularly Messaging Your Scalp
- Few other oily hair remedies are regularly messaging your scalp.
- Apply hair oil only when your hair becomes completely dry.
- Keep away styling products for a while like flat irons and blow dryers.
- Keep your hair away from scorching sunlight, heat and chemicals in several hair products that can harm your oily hair by exciting the glands to secret more oil.
- Apply astringent so that it can soak more oil from your scalp.
- If you are fed up of your present oil removal techniques, try these oily hair remedies on a regular schedule you will certainly find a difference.
Some Other Home Remedies for Oily Hair
you don’t have to be worried and run to your hair stylist immediately because there are some home remedies for oily hair that help you solve your problem.
One of our most common problems with our physical appearance is having uncontrolled oily hair. Oily hair or most hairdressers and consumers are known as tight or greasy hair, hair, and flat hair.
It is difficult for all of us to know with this type of hair because our hair is easily clump together and does’nt hold a style well.
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If you think that you are one of these people having this kind of problem then you do not have to be worried and run to your hairstylist immediately Because there are some home remedies for dry hair or oily hair that can help you solve this problem. And also You can find some other home remedies that can help you solve your problems in oily hair. Some home remedies known for oily hair are the following.
1. Baby powder
2. Use home items as shampoos.
3. Home made Astringent.
By using this Item: it will help you remove oil to your hair and scalp. To create a home made astringent: you just have to get a witch hazel: a cotton ball and then any kmd of mouth wash. Mix them up: add them to the cotton ball and apply it to your scalp. Make sure that you don’t over apply it as it may cause some irritation to some user.
Sometimes having oily hair is not cause by your natural hormonal change while you are agmg_ Having oily hair sometimes caused by the use of chemicals that applied in the Shampoo, styling gel, pomade, hair dyes and other more. Frequent use of these chemicals If not suited to you will cause damage to your hair. That IS why doctors and other experts come up a book that includes home remedies for oily hair.
Going to the salon to fix your dry hair or oily hair will cost you some money. There are things that you can consider first before going straight to the salon such as thinking of some home remedies for Oily hair to help you save some of your money The money you will save can still be use in other things such as buying vitamins that can help you increase good health.
Learning that going to the salon as your priority when you encounter having hair problem is not always the best thing to consider then you now have the options to Choose from asking your hairdresser to treat your hair or use home remedies for oily hair. That is up to you now. It Will be your choice if you will spend money going to the salon or just trust your instinct using home remedies for Oily hair since you have your own will.
Image Source: freepik
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