SkincareSkincare Masks

14 Best Home Made Face Masks For Acne and Dry and Oily Skin

14 Best Home Made Face Masks For Acne and Dry and Oily Skin

Face masks are an important part of women’s beauty regimen. They meet the needs of different skin types and can clean, moisturize, tone, soothe and purify the facial skin. Facial masks have been used for centuries. People use homemade face mask containing river clay, mud and fruit for beauty purposes among different cultures.

Homemade Face Masks

Today, many facial masks are still based on natural ingredients but are often combined with modern chemicals and additives. To make sure you only use natural ingredients for your skin, you can make your own homemade face mask tailored to your skin type and skin needs.

Adding homemade face mask to your beauty regimen isn’t only good for your skin, it’s also good for your beauty budget for those times when you don’t want to splurge on expensive spa treatments.

To make a skin-nourishing face mask, you can directly use fruits and veggies that you already have stored in your kitchen. Below are the best natural ingredients for homemade face mask.