On your wedding day you’ll be the celebrity, so let’s make sure you have celebrity skin by then! By that I actually mean as near to a flawless complexion as possible because celebs certainly don’t always have perfect skin – they just have the money to disguise it better.
You may inherit a basic skin type but its condition can change with your age, your environment and even with the different seasons of the year. So be prepared to compensate for these influences and adapt your skin care routine to keep your complexion at its best.
Follow These Steps for Celebrity skin
It’s Not All About Products
The environment you live in and your general lifestyle may contribute more than you realize to the condition of your skin. Sure, regular use of facial cleansers, toners and moisturizers will improve its condition. However, your skin is the largest organ in your body (yes, really!) so what goes on inside your body will affect it too.
I realize you most probably don’t want to hear this but .. . . . stress, poor diet, insufficient sleep and lack of exercise will make your skin look dull, grey and (sorry!) old! Certainly not what we probably regard as celebrity skin!
I’m not saying you have to move to the country – but bear in mind that exhaust fumes and city living can damage the skin and cause clogged and grimy pores. So extra cleansing is a must.
Working in over-heated offices or being out in drying, windy conditions takes the moisture out of your skin (just like it does your laundry!) and you may find you need to compensate with a richer moisturizer.
Need I tell you that over-indulgence in alcohol, sunbathing and smoking is also bad for your skin?! OK, so this is turning into a bit of a lecture! But you want to be a beautiful bride, don’t you?!
Home Facial Products – The Basics
The basics should never be missed. That’s a cleanser, a freshener or toner and a moisturizer. Spend a few minutes every day working on the condition of your complexion – and you’ll be glad you did.
Choose good skin care products and use them every day, especially before you go to bed. It’s only in films and TV that the celebs go to bed with their makeup on! We all do it once it a while but your celebrity skin will suffer if you do it too often.
Cleanse – take off makeup, surface grime, excess sebum (oil), dirt and dead skin cells without upsetting the natural balance of your skin
Tone– a mild freshener (for dry skin) or more astringent toner (for oily) acts like an additional rinse for the skin and restores its natural Ph balance
Protect – with a moisturizer. Moisture is the most important element in the chemistry of the skin, whatever type you have. Used daily, under makeup, it will help seal in the skin’s natural moisture and act as a base, as well as offset evaporating effects of the environment. If you suffer from dry skin you may also want to start using a night cream after cleansing and toning at night.
Your daily skin care routine is the most important factor with regard to improving your complexion but you might also want to use a special treatments, like an exfoliator or masque once a week or so. One tip though – don’t use both on the same day, especially if your skin is at all sensitive.
You’ll find the basics plus a couple of extra treatments in the Elem-is Bridal skincare collection.
I suggest you try the Elem-is Bridal skincare collection which will give you a set of high quality skin care products specifically targeted for a radiant complexion on your wedding day.
With your celebrity skin taken care of, your wedding makeup then has the best opportunity to look stunning!
Image Source: freepik
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